October 29, 2020 Release

This release includes a new useMove interaction hook for handling drags across mouse, touch, and keyboard! See our docs for examples on how to take advantage of it. In addition, we’ve fixed many bugs since our last release, and worked on several new components to be released soon. As always, a huge thank you to all our contributors for the new features, fixes and updates. 🤩

New features#


  • Update label css to stop shifts in position - @ktabors - PR
  • Improve scrolling issues with modals and trays in mobile Safari - @devongovett - PR
  • Only add aria-describedby in useTooltipTrigger when open - @majornista - PR
  • Constrain Tooltip position to the relative target - @snowystinger - PR
  • Improve clean up of user-select in usePress - @LFDanLu - PR
  • Removed readOnly from Slider - @mischnic - PR
  • Fix usePreventScroll on iOS with React 17 - @devongovett - PR
  • Improve onBlur handling within FocusScope - @LFDanLu - PR
  • Fix text selection after dismissing a dialog - @snowystinger - PR


Add links for Spectrum dimension values - @filmaj - PR

Released packages#

 - @adobe/react-spectrum@3.5.0
 - @react-aria/focus@3.2.3
 - @react-aria/i18n@3.1.3
 - @react-aria/interactions@3.3.0
 - @react-aria/listbox@3.2.2
 - @react-aria/overlays@3.5.0
 - @react-aria/select@3.2.2
 - @react-aria/selection@3.3.0
 - @react-aria/slider@3.0.0-alpha.3
 - @react-aria/table@3.0.0-alpha.8
 - @react-aria/tooltip@3.0.1
 - @react-aria/utils@3.4.0
 - @react-aria/virtualizer@3.3.0
 - @react-spectrum/icon@3.3.0
 - @react-spectrum/listbox@3.3.0
 - @react-spectrum/overlays@3.3.0
 - @react-spectrum/slider@3.0.0-alpha.0
 - @react-spectrum/table@3.0.0-alpha.8
 - @react-spectrum/utils@3.4.0
 - @react-stately/layout@3.2.0
 - @react-stately/selection@3.3.0
 - @react-stately/slider@3.0.0-alpha.3
 - @react-stately/table@3.0.0-alpha.7
 - @react-types/overlays@3.3.0
 - @react-types/provider@3.2.0
 - @react-types/shared@3.3.0
 - @react-types/slider@3.0.0-alpha.2
 - @react-types/table@3.0.0-rc.6
 - react-aria@3.1.0