November 08, 2023 Release

In this release, we’re promoting React Aria Components from Beta to RC 🎉, introducing built-in support for form validation, adding a new Toolbar component, improving our css bundle size with Lightning CSS, and fixing plenty of bugs.

Both React Aria and React Spectrum now have built-in support for form validation, including native HTML constraint validation, custom validation functions, realtime validation, and integration with server-side validation. Check out the React Aria forms guide as well as our React Spectrum forms guide to learn more.

We also added Toolbar to React Aria Components, which provides an accessible grouping that manages arrow key navigation between interactive elements such as buttons, dropdown menus, and checkboxes.

As always, huge thanks to everyone in our community for their feedback and contributions to make this release possible!

React Aria Components API updates#

In this release, we made a few API final updates to React Aria Components.

  1. ListBox, Menu, and GridList now have their own individual item components. The shared <Item> component has been removed and replaced with <ListBoxItem>, <MenuItem>, and <GridListItem>. Our default CSS classes have changed to match these names as well.
  2. GridList and TagGroup have moved to using display: contents for their internal gridcell elements, making it easier to style items with flex or grid layout properties. If you were previously applying these using a descendant selector, you’ll need to move them to the parent row element.
  3. The Dialog component now uses an explicit <Heading slot="title"> to ensure that other headings in the dialog are not affected. You’ll need to add the slot prop to the main heading, and will see a console warning if no heading is provided.




Under construction#

Fixes to pre-released components are listed below. Please feel free to try them out, and report any issues you encounter.

React Aria Components (RC)

  • Update React Aria Components README - @wojtekmaj - PR
  • Add isRootDropTarget to empty state in GridList - @gennadiipel - PR
  • Add styled examples for React Aria Components - @devongovett - PR
  • Replace value with state when destructuring SearchFieldRenderProps - @itsuka-dev - PR
  • Improve error message for required slots - @hosmelq - PR
  • Add onDrop to DropZone & FileTrigger examples - @blair-c - PR
  • Fix unexpected TableRow children render call - @ryo-manba - PR
  • Allow children in Table Column resizer - @reidbarber - PR
  • Docs separate css blocks by example - @snowystinger - PR
  • Use separate item components for ListBox, Menu, and GridList - @devongovett - PR
  • Add validation support for React Aria Components - @devongovett - PR
  • Enable easier styling in GridList & TagGroup items - @devongovett - PR
  • Export HeaderContext - @hosmelq - PR
  • Use explicit "title" slot for RAC dialogs, and improve aria labelling - @devongovett - PR
  • Fix types field in Tailwind plugin - @stefanprobst - PR
  • Fix ComboBox re-opening after selection - @devongovett - PR
  • Auto focus the first invalid field when submitting a form - @devongovett - PR
  • Support hover event props - @reidbarber - PR
  • Add isEntering and isExiting props to control animation from outside - @devongovett - PR
  • Fix Group render props and focus-visible behavior with text input children - @reidbarber - PR
  • Add shouldCloseOnSelect prop to DatePicker - @sookmax - PR
  • Add support for named groups and peers in Tailwind plugin - @reidbarber - PR
  • Fix clicking on track to move slider in RAC - @devongovett - PR

React Spectrum DropZone (Beta)

  • Update RSP DropZone visual feedback example in docs - @yihuiliao - PR
  • Fix DropZone's filled message announcement on different platforms - @yihuiliao - PR

Released packages#

- @adobe/react-spectrum@3.32.0
- @internationalized/number@3.4.0
- @react-aria/accordion@3.0.0-alpha.24
- @react-aria/actiongroup@3.7.0
- @react-aria/aria-modal-polyfill@3.7.7
- @react-aria/autocomplete@3.0.0-alpha.23
- @react-aria/breadcrumbs@3.5.8
- @react-aria/button@3.9.0
- @react-aria/calendar@3.5.3
- @react-aria/checkbox@3.12.0
- @react-aria/color@3.0.0-beta.27
- @react-aria/combobox@3.8.0
- @react-aria/datepicker@3.9.0
- @react-aria/dialog@3.5.8
- @react-aria/dnd@3.5.0
- @react-aria/focus@3.15.0
- @react-aria/form@3.0.0
- @react-aria/grid@3.8.5
- @react-aria/gridlist@3.7.2
- @react-aria/i18n@3.9.0
- @react-aria/interactions@3.20.0
- @react-aria/label@3.7.3
- @react-aria/landmark@3.0.0-beta.7
- @react-aria/link@3.6.2
- @react-aria/listbox@3.11.2
- @react-aria/menu@3.11.2
- @react-aria/meter@3.4.8
- @react-aria/numberfield@3.10.0
- @react-aria/overlays@3.19.0
- @react-aria/progress@3.4.8
- @react-aria/radio@3.9.0
- @react-aria/searchfield@3.6.0
- @react-aria/select@3.14.0
- @react-aria/selection@3.17.2
- @react-aria/separator@3.3.8
- @react-aria/slider@3.7.3
- @react-aria/spinbutton@3.6.0
- @react-aria/ssr@3.9.0
- @react-aria/steplist@3.0.0-alpha.0
- @react-aria/switch@3.5.7
- @react-aria/table@3.13.2
- @react-aria/tabs@3.8.2
- @react-aria/tag@3.3.0
- @react-aria/textfield@3.13.0
- @react-aria/toast@3.0.0-beta.7
- @react-aria/toggle@3.9.0
- @react-aria/toolbar@3.0.0-beta.0
- @react-aria/tooltip@3.6.5
- @react-aria/utils@3.22.0
- @react-aria/virtualizer@3.9.5
- @react-aria/visually-hidden@3.8.7
- @react-spectrum/accordion@3.0.0-alpha.26
- @react-spectrum/actionbar@3.4.0
- @react-spectrum/actiongroup@3.10.0
- @react-spectrum/autocomplete@3.0.0-alpha.24
- @react-spectrum/avatar@3.0.7
- @react-spectrum/badge@3.1.8
- @react-spectrum/breadcrumbs@3.9.2
- @react-spectrum/button@3.15.0
- @react-spectrum/buttongroup@3.6.8
- @react-spectrum/calendar@3.4.3
- @react-spectrum/card@3.0.0-alpha.25
- @react-spectrum/checkbox@3.9.0
- @react-spectrum/color@3.0.0-beta.28
- @react-spectrum/combobox@3.11.0
- @react-spectrum/contextualhelp@3.6.5
- @react-spectrum/datepicker@3.9.0
- @react-spectrum/dialog@3.8.5
- @react-spectrum/divider@3.5.8
- @react-spectrum/dnd@3.3.5
- @react-spectrum/dropzone@3.0.0-beta.0
- @react-spectrum/form@3.7.0
- @react-spectrum/icon@3.7.8
- @react-spectrum/illustratedmessage@3.4.8
- @react-spectrum/image@3.4.8
- @react-spectrum/inlinealert@3.2.0
- @react-spectrum/label@3.16.0
- @react-spectrum/labeledvalue@3.1.8
- @react-spectrum/layout@3.6.0
- @react-spectrum/link@3.6.2
- @react-spectrum/list@3.7.2
- @react-spectrum/listbox@3.12.2
- @react-spectrum/menu@3.16.0
- @react-spectrum/meter@3.4.8
- @react-spectrum/numberfield@3.8.0
- @react-spectrum/overlays@5.5.2
- @react-spectrum/picker@3.13.0
- @react-spectrum/progress@3.7.2
- @react-spectrum/provider@3.9.2
- @react-spectrum/radio@3.7.0
- @react-spectrum/searchfield@3.8.0
- @react-spectrum/slider@3.6.4
- @react-spectrum/statuslight@3.5.8
- @react-spectrum/steplist@3.0.0-alpha.0
- @react-spectrum/switch@3.5.0
- @react-spectrum/table@3.12.2
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- @react-spectrum/tag@3.2.0
- @react-spectrum/text@3.5.0
- @react-spectrum/textfield@3.11.0
- @react-spectrum/theme-dark@3.5.7
- @react-spectrum/theme-default@3.5.7
- @react-spectrum/theme-express@3.0.0-alpha.9
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- @react-spectrum/view@3.6.5
- @react-spectrum/well@3.4.8
- @react-stately/calendar@3.4.2
- @react-stately/checkbox@3.6.0
- @react-stately/collections@3.10.3
- @react-stately/color@3.5.0
- @react-stately/combobox@3.8.0
- @react-stately/data@3.11.0
- @react-stately/datepicker@3.9.0
- @react-stately/dnd@3.2.6
- @react-stately/form@3.0.0
- @react-stately/grid@3.8.3
- @react-stately/layout@3.13.4
- @react-stately/list@3.10.1
- @react-stately/menu@3.5.7
- @react-stately/numberfield@3.7.0
- @react-stately/overlays@3.6.4
- @react-stately/radio@3.10.0
- @react-stately/searchfield@3.5.0
- @react-stately/select@3.6.0
- @react-stately/selection@3.14.1
- @react-stately/slider@3.4.5
- @react-stately/steplist@3.0.0-alpha.0
- @react-stately/table@3.11.3
- @react-stately/tabs@3.6.2
- @react-stately/toggle@3.7.0
- @react-stately/tooltip@3.4.6
- @react-stately/tree@3.7.4
- @react-stately/utils@3.9.0
- @react-stately/virtualizer@3.6.5
- @react-types/accordion@3.0.0-alpha.18
- @react-types/actionbar@3.1.4
- @react-types/actiongroup@3.4.6
- @react-types/autocomplete@3.0.0-alpha.18
- @react-types/avatar@3.0.4
- @react-types/badge@3.1.6
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- @react-types/button@3.9.1
- @react-types/buttongroup@3.3.6
- @react-types/calendar@3.4.2
- @react-types/card@3.0.0-alpha.21
- @react-types/checkbox@3.6.0
- @react-types/color@3.0.0-beta.21
- @react-types/combobox@3.9.0
- @react-types/contextualhelp@3.2.7
- @react-types/datepicker@3.7.0
- @react-types/dialog@3.5.7
- @react-types/divider@3.3.6
- @react-types/form@3.6.0
- @react-types/grid@3.2.3
- @react-types/illustratedmessage@3.3.6
- @react-types/image@3.3.6
- @react-types/label@3.9.0
- @react-types/layout@3.3.12
- @react-types/link@3.5.2
- @react-types/list@3.2.9
- @react-types/listbox@3.4.6
- @react-types/menu@3.9.6
- @react-types/meter@3.3.6
- @react-types/numberfield@3.7.0
- @react-types/overlays@3.8.4
- @react-types/progress@3.5.1
- @react-types/provider@3.7.1
- @react-types/radio@3.6.0
- @react-types/searchfield@3.5.2
- @react-types/select@3.9.0
- @react-types/shared@3.22.0
- @react-types/slider@3.7.0
- @react-types/statuslight@3.3.6
- @react-types/switch@3.5.0
- @react-types/table@3.9.1
- @react-types/tabs@3.3.4
- @react-types/text@3.3.6
- @react-types/textfield@3.9.0
- @react-types/tooltip@3.4.6
- @react-types/view@3.4.6
- @react-types/well@3.3.6
- @spectrum-icons/color@3.5.8
- @spectrum-icons/express@3.0.0-alpha.12
- @spectrum-icons/illustrations@3.6.8
- @spectrum-icons/ui@3.6.2
- @spectrum-icons/workflow@4.2.7
- react-aria@3.30.0
- react-aria-components@1.0.0-rc.0
- react-stately@3.28.0
- tailwindcss-react-aria-components@1.0.0-rc.0