October 1, 2020 Release

Another exciting set of releases have dropped! 🎤

We have released the Tooltip and TooltipTrigger components! We’ve put a lot of effort into making our tooltips fully accessible and as native-like as possible, including matching the delay behavior when hovering over multiple elements with tooltips. See the documentation for React Spectrum and React Aria for more details.

The much requested DialogContainer component has been also added to this release. This allows you to have more control over where your Dialog is rendered, and support triggers that unmount (e.g. dialogs in menus). Visit our docs for more details.

We have also added a new light theme to React Spectrum thanks to @evargast. You can find out more in our theming guide.

As an additional convenience for those using multiple React Aria or React Stately hooks, we now offer a single package each for react-aria and react-stately. This allows you to install a single package instead of many individual packages. See our getting started guides for React Aria and React Stately to find out how you can take advantage of them.

Finally, make sure you check out the last blog post of the series on Building a Button which was added to our blog. As always, a huge thank you to all our contributors for the new features, fixes and updates. 🤩

New components#

New features#

  • Support for upcoming React 17 - @snowystinger - PR
  • Allow usePreventScroll to be disabled - @McZenith - PR
  • Update ScrollView to implement useResizeObserver - @snowystinger - PR
  • Add CheckboxGroup to @adobe/react-spectrum package - @royalbhati - PR
  • Add ability to prevent focus in usePress - @LFDanLu - PR
  • Added new NoSearchResults illustration for IllustratedMessage - @evargast - PR
  • Add @react-spectrum/theme-light package - @evargast - PR



Released packages#

 - @adobe/react-spectrum@3.4.0
 - react-aria@3.0.0
 - react-stately@3.0.0
 - @react-aria/actiongroup@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/aria-modal-polyfill@3.2.1
 - @react-aria/breadcrumbs@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/button@3.2.2
 - @react-aria/checkbox@3.2.1
 - @react-aria/dialog@3.1.2
 - @react-aria/focus@3.2.2
 - @react-aria/i18n@3.1.2
 - @react-aria/interactions@3.2.1
 - @react-aria/label@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/link@3.1.2
 - @react-aria/listbox@3.2.1
 - @react-aria/menu@3.1.2
 - @react-aria/meter@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/overlays@3.4.0
 - @react-aria/progress@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/radio@3.1.2
 - @react-aria/searchfield@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/select@3.2.1
 - @react-aria/selection@3.2.1
 - @react-aria/separator@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/slider@3.0.0-alpha.2
 - @react-aria/ssr@3.0.1
 - @react-aria/switch@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/table@3.0.0-alpha.7
 - @react-aria/tabs@3.0.0-alpha.1
 - @react-aria/textfield@3.2.1
 - @react-aria/toggle@3.1.1
 - @react-aria/tooltip@3.0.0
 - @react-aria/utils@3.3.0
 - @react-aria/virtualizer@3.2.0
 - @react-aria/visually-hidden@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/actiongroup@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/breadcrumbs@3.1.3
 - @react-spectrum/button@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/buttongroup@3.1.2
 - @react-spectrum/checkbox@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/dialog@3.3.0
 - @react-spectrum/divider@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/form@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/icon@3.2.0
 - @react-spectrum/illustratedmessage@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/image@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/label@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/layout@3.1.3
 - @react-spectrum/link@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/listbox@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/menu@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/meter@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/overlays@3.2.2
 - @react-spectrum/picker@3.2.1
 - @react-spectrum/progress@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/provider@3.1.2
 - @react-spectrum/radio@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/searchfield@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/statuslight@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/switch@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/table@3.0.0-alpha.7
 - @react-spectrum/tabs@3.0.0-alpha.2
 - @react-spectrum/text@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/textfield@3.1.3
 - @react-spectrum/theme-light@3.0.0
 - @react-spectrum/tooltip@3.0.0
 - @react-spectrum/utils@3.3.0
 - @react-spectrum/view@3.1.1
 - @react-spectrum/well@3.1.1
 - @react-stately/checkbox@3.0.1
 - @react-stately/collections@3.2.1
 - @react-stately/data@3.1.1
 - @react-stately/layout@3.1.2
 - @react-stately/list@3.2.1
 - @react-stately/menu@3.2.1
 - @react-stately/overlays@3.1.1
 - @react-stately/radio@3.2.1
 - @react-stately/searchfield@3.1.1
 - @react-stately/select@3.1.1
 - @react-stately/selection@3.2.1
 - @react-stately/slider@3.0.0-alpha.2
 - @react-stately/table@3.0.0-alpha.6
 - @react-stately/toggle@3.2.1
 - @react-stately/tooltip@3.0.0
 - @react-stately/tree@3.1.2
 - @react-stately/utils@3.1.1
 - @react-stately/virtualizer@3.1.2
 - @react-types/actiongroup@3.1.1
 - @react-types/breadcrumbs@3.1.1
 - @react-types/button@3.2.1
 - @react-types/buttongroup@3.1.1
 - @react-types/checkbox@3.2.1
 - @react-types/dialog@3.3.0
 - @react-types/divider@3.1.1
 - @react-types/form@3.2.1
 - @react-types/illustratedmessage@3.1.1
 - @react-types/image@3.1.1
 - @react-types/label@3.2.1
 - @react-types/layout@3.1.1
 - @react-types/link@3.1.1
 - @react-types/listbox@3.1.1
 - @react-types/menu@3.1.1
 - @react-types/meter@3.1.1
 - @react-types/overlays@3.2.1
 - @react-types/progress@3.1.1
 - @react-types/provider@3.1.1
 - @react-types/radio@3.1.1
 - @react-types/searchfield@3.1.1
 - @react-types/select@3.1.1
 - @react-types/shared@3.2.1
 - @react-types/slider@3.0.0-alpha.1
 - @react-types/statuslight@3.1.1
 - @react-types/switch@3.1.1
 - @react-types/table@3.0.0-rc.5
 - @react-types/tabs@3.0.0-alpha.1
 - @react-types/text@3.1.1
 - @react-types/textfield@3.2.1
 - @react-types/tooltip@3.0.0
 - @react-types/view@3.1.1
 - @react-types/well@3.1.1
 - @spectrum-icons/color@3.2.0
 - @spectrum-icons/illustrations@3.2.0
 - @spectrum-icons/ui@3.2.0
 - @spectrum-icons/workflow@3.2.0