
A group of disclosures that can be expanded and collapsed.

installyarn add @adobe/react-spectrum
usageimport {Accordion, Disclosure, DisclosureTitle, DisclosurePanel} from '@adobe/react-spectrum'


<Accordion defaultExpandedKeys={['personal']}>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
<Accordion defaultExpandedKeys={['personal']}>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
  <Disclosure id="personal">
      information form
  <Disclosure id="billing">
      Billing Address
      Billing address
      form here.


Accordion accepts multiple Disclosure elements as children. Each disclosure accepts an id prop which is passed to the onExpandedChange handler to identify the expanded disclosure within the accordion. See the Events section for more details about expansion.


In order to internationalize an Accordion, all text content within the accordion should be localized.


Accordion accepts an onExpandedChange prop which is triggered when a disclosure is expanded or collapsed. The example below uses onExpandedChange to programmatically control disclosure expansion.

import {Key} from '@react-types/shared';

function ControlledExpansion() {
  let [expandedKeys, setExpandedKeys] = React.useState<Set<Key>>(
    new Set(['personal'])

  return (
      <Accordion expandedKeys={expandedKeys} onExpandedChange={setExpandedKeys}>
        <Disclosure id="personal">
          <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
            Personal information form here.
        <Disclosure id="billing">
          <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
            Billing address form here.
      <div style={{ marginTop: '20px' }}>You have expanded: {expandedKeys}</div>
import {Key} from '@react-types/shared';

function ControlledExpansion() {
  let [expandedKeys, setExpandedKeys] = React.useState<
  >(new Set(['personal']));

  return (
        <Disclosure id="personal">
            Personal Information
            Personal information form here.
        <Disclosure id="billing">
          <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
            Billing address form here.
      <div style={{ marginTop: '20px' }}>
        You have expanded: {expandedKeys}
import {Key} from '@react-types/shared';

function ControlledExpansion() {
  let [
  ] = React.useState<
    new Set(['personal'])

  return (
        <Disclosure id="personal">
            form here.
        <Disclosure id="billing">
            address form
        You have
        expanded:{' '}


By default, only one disclosure will be expanded at a time. To expand multiple disclosures, apply the allowsMultipleExpanded prop to Accordion.

  defaultExpandedKeys={['personal', 'billing']}
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
  defaultExpandedKeys={['personal', 'billing']}
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
  <Disclosure id="personal">
      information form
  <Disclosure id="billing">
      Billing Address
      Billing address
      form here.



childrenReact.ReactNodeThe disclosures within the accordion group.
isQuietbooleanWhether the Accordion should be displayed with a quiet style.
allowsMultipleExpandedbooleanWhether multiple items can be expanded at the same time.
isDisabledbooleanWhether all items are disabled.
expandedKeysIterable<Key>The currently expanded keys in the group (controlled).
defaultExpandedKeysIterable<Key>The initial expanded keys in the group (uncontrolled).
onExpandedChange( (keys: Set<Key> )) => anyHandler that is called when items are expanded or collapsed.
flex<stringnumberboolean>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow or shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexGrow<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexShrink<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexBasis<numberstring>When used in a flex layout, specifies the initial main size of the element. See MDN.
alignSelf<'auto''normal''start''end''center''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''stretch'>Overrides the alignItems property of a flex or grid container. See MDN.
justifySelf<'auto''normal''start''end''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''center''left''right''stretch'>Specifies how the element is justified inside a flex or grid container. See MDN.
order<number>The layout order for the element within a flex or grid container. See MDN.
gridArea<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the named grid area that the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumn<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the column the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridRow<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the row the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting row to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending row to span within the grid. See MDN.
margin<>The margin for all four sides of the element. See MDN.
marginTop<>The margin for the top side of the element. See MDN.
marginBottom<>The margin for the bottom side of the element. See MDN.
marginStart<>The margin for the logical start side of the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginEnd<>The margin for the logical end side of an element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginX<>The margin for both the left and right sides of the element. See MDN.
marginY<>The margin for both the top and bottom sides of the element. See MDN.
width<>The width of the element. See MDN.
minWidth<>The minimum width of the element. See MDN.
maxWidth<>The maximum width of the element. See MDN.
height<>The height of the element. See MDN.
minHeight<>The minimum height of the element. See MDN.
maxHeight<>The maximum height of the element. See MDN.
position<'static''relative''absolute''fixed''sticky'>Specifies how the element is positioned. See MDN.
top<>The top position for the element. See MDN.
bottom<>The bottom position for the element. See MDN.
left<>The left position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
right<>The right position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
start<>The logical start position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
end<>The logical end position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
zIndex<number>The stacking order for the element. See MDN.
isHidden<boolean>Hides the element.
idstringThe element's unique identifier. See MDN.
UNSAFE_classNamestringSets the CSS className for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.
UNSAFE_styleCSSPropertiesSets inline style for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.


childrenReact.ReactNodeThe contents of the disclosure. The first child should be the header, and the second child should be the panel.
isQuietbooleanWhether the Disclosure should be displayed with a quiet style.
idKeyAn id for the disclosure when used within a DisclosureGroup, matching the id used in expandedKeys.
isDisabledbooleanWhether the disclosure is disabled.
isExpandedbooleanWhether the disclosure is expanded (controlled).
defaultExpandedbooleanWhether the disclosure is expanded by default (uncontrolled).
onExpandedChange( (isExpanded: boolean )) => voidHandler that is called when the disclosure's expanded state changes.
flex<stringnumberboolean>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow or shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexGrow<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexShrink<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexBasis<numberstring>When used in a flex layout, specifies the initial main size of the element. See MDN.
alignSelf<'auto''normal''start''end''center''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''stretch'>Overrides the alignItems property of a flex or grid container. See MDN.
justifySelf<'auto''normal''start''end''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''center''left''right''stretch'>Specifies how the element is justified inside a flex or grid container. See MDN.
order<number>The layout order for the element within a flex or grid container. See MDN.
gridArea<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the named grid area that the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumn<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the column the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridRow<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the row the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting row to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending row to span within the grid. See MDN.

A slot name for the component. Slots allow the component to receive props from a parent component. An explicit null value indicates that the local props completely override all props received from a parent.

margin<>The margin for all four sides of the element. See MDN.
marginTop<>The margin for the top side of the element. See MDN.
marginBottom<>The margin for the bottom side of the element. See MDN.
marginStart<>The margin for the logical start side of the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginEnd<>The margin for the logical end side of an element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginX<>The margin for both the left and right sides of the element. See MDN.
marginY<>The margin for both the top and bottom sides of the element. See MDN.
width<>The width of the element. See MDN.
minWidth<>The minimum width of the element. See MDN.
maxWidth<>The maximum width of the element. See MDN.
height<>The height of the element. See MDN.
minHeight<>The minimum height of the element. See MDN.
maxHeight<>The maximum height of the element. See MDN.
position<'static''relative''absolute''fixed''sticky'>Specifies how the element is positioned. See MDN.
top<>The top position for the element. See MDN.
bottom<>The bottom position for the element. See MDN.
left<>The left position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
right<>The right position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
start<>The logical start position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
end<>The logical end position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
zIndex<number>The stacking order for the element. See MDN.
isHidden<boolean>Hides the element.
aria-labelstringDefines a string value that labels the current element.
aria-labelledbystringIdentifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
aria-describedbystringIdentifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
aria-detailsstringIdentifies the element (or elements) that provide a detailed, extended description for the object.
UNSAFE_classNamestringSets the CSS className for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.
UNSAFE_styleCSSPropertiesSets inline style for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.

Disclosure Title#

childrenReact.ReactNodeThe contents of the disclosure header.
levelnumber3The heading level of the disclosure header.
flex<stringnumberboolean>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow or shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexGrow<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexShrink<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexBasis<numberstring>When used in a flex layout, specifies the initial main size of the element. See MDN.
alignSelf<'auto''normal''start''end''center''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''stretch'>Overrides the alignItems property of a flex or grid container. See MDN.
justifySelf<'auto''normal''start''end''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''center''left''right''stretch'>Specifies how the element is justified inside a flex or grid container. See MDN.
order<number>The layout order for the element within a flex or grid container. See MDN.
gridArea<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the named grid area that the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumn<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the column the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridRow<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the row the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting row to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending row to span within the grid. See MDN.
margin<>The margin for all four sides of the element. See MDN.
marginTop<>The margin for the top side of the element. See MDN.
marginBottom<>The margin for the bottom side of the element. See MDN.
marginStart<>The margin for the logical start side of the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginEnd<>The margin for the logical end side of an element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginX<>The margin for both the left and right sides of the element. See MDN.
marginY<>The margin for both the top and bottom sides of the element. See MDN.
width<>The width of the element. See MDN.
minWidth<>The minimum width of the element. See MDN.
maxWidth<>The maximum width of the element. See MDN.
height<>The height of the element. See MDN.
minHeight<>The minimum height of the element. See MDN.
maxHeight<>The maximum height of the element. See MDN.
position<'static''relative''absolute''fixed''sticky'>Specifies how the element is positioned. See MDN.
top<>The top position for the element. See MDN.
bottom<>The bottom position for the element. See MDN.
left<>The left position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
right<>The right position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
start<>The logical start position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
end<>The logical end position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
zIndex<number>The stacking order for the element. See MDN.
isHidden<boolean>Hides the element.
idstringThe element's unique identifier. See MDN.
aria-labelstringDefines a string value that labels the current element.
aria-labelledbystringIdentifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
aria-describedbystringIdentifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
aria-detailsstringIdentifies the element (or elements) that provide a detailed, extended description for the object.
UNSAFE_classNamestringSets the CSS className for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.
UNSAFE_styleCSSPropertiesSets inline style for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.

Disclosure Panel#

childrenReact.ReactNodeThe contents of the accordion panel.
flex<stringnumberboolean>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow or shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexGrow<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexShrink<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexBasis<numberstring>When used in a flex layout, specifies the initial main size of the element. See MDN.
alignSelf<'auto''normal''start''end''center''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''stretch'>Overrides the alignItems property of a flex or grid container. See MDN.
justifySelf<'auto''normal''start''end''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''center''left''right''stretch'>Specifies how the element is justified inside a flex or grid container. See MDN.
order<number>The layout order for the element within a flex or grid container. See MDN.
gridArea<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the named grid area that the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumn<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the column the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridRow<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the row the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting row to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending row to span within the grid. See MDN.
margin<>The margin for all four sides of the element. See MDN.
marginTop<>The margin for the top side of the element. See MDN.
marginBottom<>The margin for the bottom side of the element. See MDN.
marginStart<>The margin for the logical start side of the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginEnd<>The margin for the logical end side of an element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginX<>The margin for both the left and right sides of the element. See MDN.
marginY<>The margin for both the top and bottom sides of the element. See MDN.
width<>The width of the element. See MDN.
minWidth<>The minimum width of the element. See MDN.
maxWidth<>The maximum width of the element. See MDN.
height<>The height of the element. See MDN.
minHeight<>The minimum height of the element. See MDN.
maxHeight<>The maximum height of the element. See MDN.
position<'static''relative''absolute''fixed''sticky'>Specifies how the element is positioned. See MDN.
top<>The top position for the element. See MDN.
bottom<>The bottom position for the element. See MDN.
left<>The left position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
right<>The right position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
start<>The logical start position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
end<>The logical end position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
zIndex<number>The stacking order for the element. See MDN.
isHidden<boolean>Hides the element.
role'group''region''group'The accessibility role for the disclosure's panel.
idstringThe element's unique identifier. See MDN.
aria-labelstringDefines a string value that labels the current element.
aria-labelledbystringIdentifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
aria-describedbystringIdentifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
aria-detailsstringIdentifies the element (or elements) that provide a detailed, extended description for the object.
UNSAFE_classNamestringSets the CSS className for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.
UNSAFE_styleCSSPropertiesSets inline style for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.

Visual Options#


<Accordion isDisabled>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
<Accordion isDisabled>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
<Accordion isDisabled>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
      information form
  <Disclosure id="billing">
      Billing Address
      Billing address
      form here.


<Accordion isQuiet>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
<Accordion isQuiet>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
    <DisclosureTitle>Personal Information</DisclosureTitle>
      Personal information form here.
  <Disclosure id="billing">
    <DisclosureTitle>Billing Address</DisclosureTitle>
      Billing address form here.
<Accordion isQuiet>
  <Disclosure id="personal">
      information form
  <Disclosure id="billing">
      Billing Address
      Billing address
      form here.