
Inline alerts display a non-modal message associated with objects in a view. These are often used in form validation, providing a place to aggregate feedback related to multiple fields.

installyarn add @adobe/react-spectrum
usageimport {InlineAlert} from '@adobe/react-spectrum'


  <Heading>Payment Information</Heading>
    Enter your billing address, shipping address, and payment method to
    complete your purchase.
  <Heading>Payment Information</Heading>
    Enter your billing address, shipping address, and
    payment method to complete your purchase.
    Payment Information
    Enter your billing
    address, shipping
    address, and
    payment method to
    complete your


Inline alerts contain a title and body. They also include an icon for non-neutral variants.

<InlineAlert variant="positive">
  <Heading>Payment Information</Heading>
    Enter your billing address, shipping address, and payment method to
    complete your purchase.
<InlineAlert variant="positive">
  <Heading>Payment Information</Heading>
    Enter your billing address, shipping address, and
    payment method to complete your purchase.
<InlineAlert variant="positive">
    Payment Information
    Enter your billing
    address, shipping
    address, and
    payment method to
    complete your


Inline alerts are given the alert role, which means they should only be used for information that requires the user's immediate attention.


To internationalize an InlineAlert, localized strings should be set as the title and body content of the InlineAlert. For languages that are read right-to-left (e.g. Hebrew and Arabic), the InlineAlert is automatically flipped.


childrenReactNodeThe contents of the Inline Alert.
variant'neutral''info''positive''notice''negative''neutral'The visual style of the Inline Alert.
autoFocusbooleanWhether to automatically focus the Inline Alert when it first renders.
flex<stringnumberboolean>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow or shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexGrow<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexShrink<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexBasis<numberstring>When used in a flex layout, specifies the initial main size of the element. See MDN.
alignSelf<'auto''normal''start''end''center''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''stretch'>Overrides the alignItems property of a flex or grid container. See MDN.
justifySelf<'auto''normal''start''end''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''center''left''right''stretch'>Specifies how the element is justified inside a flex or grid container. See MDN.
order<number>The layout order for the element within a flex or grid container. See MDN.
gridArea<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the named grid area that the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumn<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the column the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridRow<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the row the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowStart<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting row to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowEnd<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending row to span within the grid. See MDN.
margin<>The margin for all four sides of the element. See MDN.
marginTop<>The margin for the top side of the element. See MDN.
marginBottom<>The margin for the bottom side of the element. See MDN.
marginStart<>The margin for the logical start side of the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginEnd<>The margin for the logical end side of an element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginX<>The margin for both the left and right sides of the element. See MDN.
marginY<>The margin for both the top and bottom sides of the element. See MDN.
width<>The width of the element. See MDN.
minWidth<>The minimum width of the element. See MDN.
maxWidth<>The maximum width of the element. See MDN.
height<>The height of the element. See MDN.
minHeight<>The minimum height of the element. See MDN.
maxHeight<>The maximum height of the element. See MDN.
position<'static''relative''absolute''fixed''sticky'>Specifies how the element is positioned. See MDN.
top<>The top position for the element. See MDN.
bottom<>The bottom position for the element. See MDN.
left<>The left position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
right<>The right position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
start<>The logical start position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
end<>The logical end position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
zIndex<number>The stacking order for the element. See MDN.
isHidden<boolean>Hides the element.
idstringThe element's unique identifier. See MDN.
UNSAFE_classNamestringSets the CSS className for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.
UNSAFE_styleCSSPropertiesSets inline style for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.

Visual options#


View guidelines

When inline alerts have a semantic meaning, they should use the appropriate variant. The default variant is neutral, and should be used when the message is neutral in tone or when its semantics do not fit any of the other variants.


<InlineAlert variant="info">
  <Heading>Accepted Payment Methods</Heading>
    Only major credit cards are accepted for payment. Direct debit is
    currently unavailable.
<InlineAlert variant="info">
  <Heading>Accepted Payment Methods</Heading>
    Only major credit cards are accepted for payment.
    Direct debit is currently unavailable.
<InlineAlert variant="info">
    Accepted Payment
    Only major credit
    cards are accepted
    for payment. Direct
    debit is currently


<InlineAlert variant="positive">
  <Heading>Purchase completed</Heading>
    You'll get a confirmation email with your order details shortly.
<InlineAlert variant="positive">
  <Heading>Purchase completed</Heading>
    You'll get a confirmation email with your order
    details shortly.
<InlineAlert variant="positive">
    Purchase completed
    You'll get a
    confirmation email
    with your order
    details shortly.


<InlineAlert variant="notice">
  <Heading>Update payment information</Heading>
    The saved credit card for your account has expired. Update your payment
    information to complete the purchase.
<InlineAlert variant="notice">
  <Heading>Update payment information</Heading>
    The saved credit card for your account has expired.
    Update your payment information to complete the
<InlineAlert variant="notice">
    Update payment
    The saved credit
    card for your
    account has
    expired. Update
    your payment
    information to
    complete the


<InlineAlert variant="negative">
  <Heading>Unable to process payment</Heading>
    There was an error processing your payment. Please check that your credit
    card information is correct, then try again.
<InlineAlert variant="negative">
  <Heading>Unable to process payment</Heading>
    There was an error processing your payment. Please
    check that your credit card information is correct,
    then try again.
<InlineAlert variant="negative">
    Unable to process
    There was an error
    processing your
    payment. Please
    check that your
    credit card
    information is
    correct, then try